I Paint! My colour palette is bold, vibrant and strong. I do however use muted tones in some paintings. I think colour is the most important element in my work and has been for years.
I use the elements of space and shapes very personally,they are mostly flattened and sometimes don’t make any sense.I do not adhere to any theoretical rules about perspective.In some of my paintings I use patterns and textures, but by and large my work is quite free flowing, loose and linear. My work gives one the sense of freedom and movement,it is expressive and whimsical at times and I can’t begin to imagine into which “ism” it belongs. Oils and acrylics are the mediums I love to use I occasionally fly off course and paint in mixed media.
Over the years I have experimented and dipped into many other projects: Ceramics, wrapping paper designs, silk screening, illustration, murals, interior decorating, picture framing, blogging and teaching. Somewhere inside of me there is a book!!!!